Shaking the dust off….

OMG…I don’t even remember when I wrote this original post on how many times I’ve attempted to updated it to reflect real life right now but what I can tell you is that it’s still worth a share!!

If at any point you feel like a dream is too old to pick back up, to toss around, to dig in to to see if there’s still a connection in your your heart that’ll make your feet move forward please take this as a reminder that IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE YOU BABE!!

So here it is….my ‘picking it back up, stumble along the way, drop it for a few months here and there’ beautiful mess of a journey!

Time to shake the dust off this little dream and start real life-ing it!

So I’m back here trying to figure out what I am doing. I should be more specific…I am trying to figure out what I am doing putting these thoughts on this little corner of the inter-web and navigating this website of mine. But I guess in a sense I am also trying to figure out what I am doing with my life, and hey, aren’t we all? Since my last (and only) post I did get a new job…I’m a Mom! Cross that one of my ‘100 Things To Do’ list. And if you know me, you know I’m a list lover and that really was on my list.

I guess I could have scrapped all of this and just started fresh. I’ve been paying for this damn website and not using it. Every once in a while I get a little update email letting me know of some type of upgrade and each one hits me with a little shot right in the gut telling me to get off my butt and make something happen! Is there anything in your life that you can relate that feeling to? Is it time to get off your butt and make something happen somewhere?

I’ve spent a lot of time recently thinking of all that has changed…and all that hasn’t. This pull to share my experiences, to bring people together, to help people grow into being better…none of that has changed. The way I want to do that continues to evolve at a pace I can’t even keep up with sometimes. And thanks to being a new Mom much of these ideas come to me between 1 & 3 in the morning in my rocking chair. But one thing is for certain I’ve got to get my butt moving and do something about it. That first something came to be last week when I brought to a close a fourteen year long chapter of my story. I worked for a wonderful company that taught me a lot about myself and other people. This organization remained a constant in my life through times of absolute upheaval in other areas. I grew into positions faster than I ever thought I would, I was awarded honors I never dreamed of in the beginning of my career and I got to work with people that will remain in my heart for the rest of my life. But it was time to grow, time to work past my fears and try something different so I quit. I walked in to my boss’ office with shaky knees and a quivering voice and told her I was moving on. So here I am moving on…but into what?

I am self-employed…I just don’t know at what yet. (Although at the time of reposting this yet again I can tell you I am a self-employed creator of communities and opportunities for women to re-discover their most awesome authentic selves) I have a new team, rather than the 14 people I led every day for the past years my new team looks a little different. There’s Brian, he’s our CFO. Although, I am getting way better at this money thing, but that’s a conversation for another post. And then there’s Lucas, he’s our Director of Spontaneity. He’s my constant reminder that even when I wake with the biggest plans for the day the only thing that really needs to get done is to LOVE! I can’t leave the animals out Finn, Smokey, Trainer and Tank. I am not exactly sure what their role would be called but this house wouldn’t be bursting with life if it weren’t for them. And now there is Abigail Rose. Anyone who has heard me share anything about our Abby knows that she has joined our team in a strong, opinionated and courageous way. This little person has shown us what fearless living is all about. She doesn’t take no for an answer, she holds nothing back and she is bursting with energy. Let’s call her our Director of Life. Our parenting adventure with her could be summed up in the saying ‘We’re just along for the ride’

So here I am shaking the dust off a dream that honestly was never buried too far. I will be getting vulnerable and I will soar right past the big butts (please read my previous post).

“What we have to remember is that we can still do anything. We can change our minds. We can start over. The notion that it’s too late to do anything is comical. It’s hilarious. We can’t. We must not lose this sense of possibility because in the end it’s all we have.” – Marian Keegan


The Day No One Showed Up


Curating a Reflection Collection