Claiming Cohesion!
The world seems fragmented, cohesion helps pull it all together.
My days seem fragmented, cohesion helps pull them together.
I’m a Mom, a wife, a business owner, a care giver, a daughter, a granddaughter, a friend, and on and on and on and on. Should there be an order to this list? Should I be one first and expect the others to follow? Am I a mom during the day and a wife at night? When should I be a friend and when should I be a business owner?
I stand in my kitchen so often wondering if I am doing the right thing at that very moment. Am I being too much of one role and not enough of another? I’m building a practice of using this as a moment to check in, to pause, to breathe. To ask myself, ‘Do I need to focus on seeing the connection?’
Can’t I just be Me all of the time? Are there different versions of me. Am I not being a stronger Mom when my children see me making my own decisions and working my own way by being my own boss? Does the care we provide for the extra littles we share our home with not teach them important values like sharing our abundance and caring for those who want your help? Do the conversations I have with my clients who are trying to live their most full lives not make me a more attuned wife because I am so grateful for the space I have in our relationship and the way he listens to my hopes and dreams as kindly as he listens to my struggles and doubt?
I strive to be a more connected version of myself. I want to celebrate the connections in conversations and experiences. I don’t want it to feel like a puzzle, where each piece has to fit in its spot perfectly. I’m a mosaic full of layers and stacks of beautiful things and the glue of simplicity, slowness and meaning holding each piece in just the right spot. Each treasure highlighting not just itself but the rest of the beautiful treasures around it.
My word of the year for 2023 is COHESION. A googled definition is ‘the action or fact of forming a united whole’ my rewritten definition is ‘living attuned to what is aligned & authentic’.
I am excited about what I can build this year stepping forth as a cohesive me, where all of my parts form a united whole. I don’t image it’s going to be easy, but it’s likely simpler than I think. I will find simplicity along the way and that will encourage me to keep showing up. I do know that the moments I feel fragmented can be moments of realignment and reminders that I am capable of celebrating all the pieces of me.
I just sat in a circle of women who stepped up for themselves this morning by taking time to explore a path to their guiding words. There are questions to help you get there, all you gotta’ do is google. There are questions that I use that I’d be happy to share. What I’d love for you to do is honor yourself with the time needed to find a focus a for the year ahead. With a focus, like a guiding word, you can more readily make the decisions about what fits in your life and what doesn’t. What will your path look like when you look back on it in 12 months? A guiding word can do just what it says, provide guidance for the steps you take through the next year of being your most awesome self!
Happy Exploring!