How big is your BUT?

I would love to quit my job, but what about a pay cheque? I would love to take that trip, but we really can’t afford it. I would love to loose 10lbs but I can’t go to the gym, I’ve tried before. I’d love to write a blog but first I have to do the laundry, vacuum the stairs, dust the top of the kitchen cabinets and organize the fridge. Ok, that last example is me…this morning!.

What does your but look like? Seriously, ever taken a real good look at it?

I’ve recently been tossing around some pretty large and scary, yet exciting and invigorating ideas in my head and I couldn’t put my finger on what was holding me back. A recent talk with my lovely life coach brought out the fact that I was actually looking for my but, when in reality I didn’t have one. I was trying to grow one…can you believe that? Who else, in their right mind would be sitting in silence like I was actually trying to grow a but, well outside of Kardashian wannabees? I was trying to create a scenario in which it would not be a good idea for me to move forward and challenge myself, realize a dream and try something new. There was huge space that moment I realized that there was nothing standing in my way.

What happens when you realize you don’t actually have a but? You know what I think happens? MAGIC! In some circumstances in life there may just be legitimate buts and I am mean no disrespect to those of you that are facing them, but I would not be helping anyone reading this if I did not encourage you to examine a little closer how big your but actually is. Chances are many of us think our buts are much bigger than they actually are. Think about it, when you ask your best friend or your partner; ‘Does my butt look big in this?’ They always tell you it isn’t…and they wouldn’t lie to us, right?

Sometimes these buts appear quite easily and they knock us down and really hold us back. We tend to cling to them for safety in a sense. We listen to our buts because they keep us in the place we know, our comfort zone. This is the place where everything stays the same and there is little threat of having to deal with something that we have never dealt with before. Our buts reinforce the story that we are not smart enough, thin enough, energetic enough, outdoorsy enough, funny enough…..but you know what I am enough of all of those things. I am enough of them for me! And you are enough of them for you!  

The but is powerful enough to hold us in our seat, sometimes it gets so heavy we can’t stand up. My advice for you is to leave it in your chair and walk away. Let it stay there, let it keep talking to itself. Take the power out of your but and give it back to your heart.

When I actually said the words out loud, “I feel like I am trying to create a but that isn’t even there” I felt like I was going to shoot out of the room. Not just float because I was so light and felt so much space, but like I was going to shoot through Patti’s living room and leave a big old hole in her roof because my need to have a but was holding me back so strong against forces that were trying to propel me forward that when I released those words I had nothing left to hold me back.

The challenge I give you is to look closely at your buts. See which of them are actually true and which are ones you have manifested yourself in all of the spare time you have spent in your comfort zone. The ones that do stand in your way may take a little creativity for sure, but there are people out there to help you with that, they want to see you move forward. The good thing about the ones you’ve made up…all you have to do is let them go, realize they aren’t real, tell them to take a hike, leave them in the chair. Whether you do this by talking to someone, journaling, or creating a visual do whatever speaks to you. I do encourage you to say them out loud so you can stop physically & mentally carrying them around with you.

How crazy is it that we try to put obstacles in our own way, as if the world doesn’t do that enough to us. How ingrained into us are the thoughts of society that we help the world tell ourselves these stories, and in my case actually seek to create a story to allow the world to hold me back. Me and the world are on a different page in our relationship now, I’ve told the world I have no room in my life for big buts, if the world wants to come up with something to hold me back from my big ideas it’s going to have to do it on its own now, I’m not helping it anymore. That’s it I’m done!

Why are we willing to kill ourselves at the gym to make our behinds smaller but we rarely make time to sit down and think about how we can make our buts smaller? Why will we pay for a trainer to whip us in to shape physically and yet struggle with the thought of investing in ourselves to overcome what’s growing unnecessarily inside?

I feel blessed to realize that my but isn’t real. I feel energized channeling all the energy I was using to create a but into creating my life. I feel proud that I flew with the energy I felt on Patti’s couch that day to create my very first blog. Take a hike but!


Curating a Reflection Collection